Neste-raskas polttoöljy LS 100
Product number 170260
Package sizes
- Bulk / kg
ISO 10478M
ISO 3016
ISO 10478M
ISO 3733
ASTM D 6304 C
Foot notes
* NM refers to Neste's in-house method
** Burning catalyst shall not be added if carbon residue is under 5 % m/m
The product can also be made by blending PORL420 and middle distillate to the right viscosity. This blend product is analyzed only at regular intervals.
The product will comply with the spesification according to the procedures described in ISO 4259.
Concerning safe use of the products, we refer to the Safety Data Sheets and User's Guides published by Neste Oyj.
Technical properties
ISO 10478M
ISO 3016
ISO 10478M
ISO 3733
ASTM D 6304 C
Foot notes
* NM refers to Neste's in-house method
** Burning catalyst shall not be added if carbon residue is under 5 % m/m
The product can also be made by blending PORL420 and middle distillate to the right viscosity. This blend product is analyzed only at regular intervals.
The product will comply with the spesification according to the procedures described in ISO 4259.
Concerning safe use of the products, we refer to the Safety Data Sheets and User's Guides published by Neste Oyj.